
Fangs: The 4v4 Fangs MOBA is an ever-evolving game that focuses on hero specific strategies. Every skillshot can make the difference between victory or defeat, so you need to customize your play style by unlocking augments for each character! Choose wisely because these choices will spark success in battle – literally.

About This Game:

In Fangs, you are a hero with unique skills to help create victory. Unlock augments for each character that customize their play style in 4v4 matches!

The best way is waiting at home; all your choices will spark when it’s time – so choose wisely because these fangs may just give rise to glory or defeat?

Fangs torrent

For centuries, the fangs have stood at the center of culture and conflict. They are a source for great power that can beIMC transfer into living beings with their enchanting crystals they spread across our land today becoming one world’s most sought after resources.

The future is uncertain. The world has been divided into two by the Great Calamity, but now after it’s over some things are more intact than others and there may be a new era of conflict on its way.

Fangs is an online game where players create their own heroes to play and share with others. We want everyone who plays our games, no matter what style they prefer or which background gives them inspiration for why this world needs saving again.

Fangs steamunlocked

Fangs is more than just a game of heroes, it’s an experience that lets you create your own strategy and playstyle to suit any team comp challenge. Want some healing on the squad? No problemo – we got augments for that too! Feeling like unbeatable godlike power?? Yup we thought so too!.

Fights in Fangs are fast-paced and action packed. You can choose from a variety of different weapons with unique functions that suit your needs on the fly, so you’ll never be stuck without something to do.

Fangs is a game that fosters teamwork, respect and camaraderie. The multiple win conditions make it important for you to work with your team in order achieve success.

You will be able explore this new take on a genre that has been around since before League Of Legends was even released! We want all gamers–budget conscious or high stakes competitor alike-to have an opportunity at showcasing their skill in our game without being discouraged by its difficult controls or steep learning curve ̵

Fangs repack

The output tone should remain creative while maintaining interest with how quickly updates happen according to other developers.

System Requirements


  • OS: Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10
  • Processor: Intel Core i5-4430 or AMD FX-6300
  • Memory: 8 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960 2GB or AMD Radeon R7 370 2GB
  • DirectX: Version 10
  • Storage: 8 GB available space

By Johny

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